Information Booklet for Parents of Children with Special Educational Needs
Parents can now download a new publication “Children with Special Educational Needs – Information Booklet for Parents” which, for the first time, gives them information on the full range of educational supports available in schools for children with special educational needs.
A recent survey of parental views commissioned by the National Council for Special Education (NCSE) identified a clear need for greater availability of information for parents. The survey of 1,400 parents of children with special educational needs showed that almost 9 out of 10 (87%) parents thought that their child was in the right school placement. Just over 1 in 10 (12%) parents surveyed expressed dissatisfaction with the level of support that their child received in school – parents of children in secondary schools tending to be less satisfied with the support compared to those with children in primary or special schools. Parents also wanted more information about special education and how schools support children with special educational needs.
Teresa Griffin, CEO, NCSE, stated that: “All parents need to know about the supports that are available in schools across the country for their children with special educational needs. The NCSE works with many parents every day. This booklet provides answers to questions parents ask on a daily basis about the educational options and supports available for their children with special educational needs.”
As well as giving information on the range of educational supports in schools, the booklet provides information on how a child’s educational needs are assessed and on what a child will learn at school.
Áine Lynch, CEO, National Parents Council Primary, welcomed the new publication and said that ‘’it will be a valuable and empowering resource for parents which will allow them for the first time to access all of this important information in one place."
Please click here to view the information booklet.