About us
Inclusion Ireland is a national voluntary organisation working to promote the rights of people with an intellectual disability in Ireland. Set up in 1961, it is now the umbrella body for over 160 organisations. Inclusion Ireland aims to make sure that people with an intellectual disability can live and take part in the community with the same rights as other citizens, so they can live the life of their choice and to their fullest potention.
Our Services
Inclusion Ireland campaigns for changes in services and legislation that will improve the quality of life and participation of people with an intellectual disability in Irish society. It works with its members to look for priorities and put together nationally agreed policies to present to the government, statutory bodies, other groups and the general public. Some members of Inclusion Ireland are companies and some are individuals.
Inclusion Ireland also:
- promotes advocacy for people with an intellectual disability, particularly self-advocacy;
- gives information and advice by phone, post and through its website;
- publishes information leaflets and a quarterly newsletter;
- organises seminars and conferences;
- gives information and training talks to a range of groups; and
- represents the intellectual disability sector in Ireland at international level by its membership of Inclusion International and Inclusion Europe.
How to contact us
You can contact Inclusion Ireland by post, phone, fax, email or by visiting its website:
Inclusion Ireland,
Unit C 2, The Steelworks,
Foley Street,
Dublin 1.
Tel: 01-8559891
Fax: 01-8559904
Email: info@inclusionireland.ie