About us
Enable Ireland gives services to over 3,300 children and adults with a range of physical, sensory and intellectual disabilities across over 40 locations in 14 counties nationwide. It aims to give children and adults with disabilities the choice to play their part at home, at school, at work and in society.
Many of the people using Enable Ireland's services have a diagnosis such as Cerebral Palsy, Spina Bifida or Muscular Dystrophy. Others have multiple or undiagnosed disabilities. The expert teams at Enable Ireland know that everyone and every family will have different needs. They work with the individual and their family on a plan for each life stage, so that service users can be as independent as possible and have a sense of choice and inclusion in their community.
Children’s Services:
Enable Ireland offers a range of services to children and their families in over 20 service locations - in the home, school, local community and in their service centres. It works in partnership with children, their families, statutory agencies and other service providers. Working in partnership means keeping the child and family at the centre of what they do and how they do it.
To date, Enable Ireland has focused on improving the delivery of child and family centred services. With a greater focus on working with children and families at times of change, it is also putting an emphasis on supporting them as they move from childhood to adoloscence, and on to adulthood.
Children's services include:
- Physiotherapy
- Occupational Therapy
- Hydrotherapy
- Psychology
- Social Work
- Person Centred Planning
- Assistive Technology
- Speech Therapy
- Family Support
- Nutrition Advice
- Early Years Education
- Transport
- Respite
- Paediatrics
- Orthotics
How to contact us
You can contact Enable Ireland at the following address or telephone number:
Enable Ireland,
32F Rosemount Park Drive,
Rosemount Business Park,
Ballycoolin Road,
Dublin 11, Ireland.
Tel: + 353 (0)1 872 7155
You can visit the Enable Ireland website at: www.enableireland.ie/parents.
You can find links to the supports from Enable Ireland in each geographical area by clicking on the link for 'Your Local Centre'.